Dr. Amy Clore

Professor of Biology


Phone Number

Email Address



Heiser Natural Science 125A


Heiser E172C


Area of Concentration


Ph.D., University of Arizona
B.A., Kenyon College

Professor Clore received her Ph.D. in Plant Science with a minor in Molecular and Cellular Biology. She is interested in how plant cells perceive extracellular signals and transduce these signals into intracellular changes in biochemistry, gene expression, and cytoskeletal architecture.

Dr. Clore is studying maize pulvini, specialized organs found along the maize plant stem that sense when the plant has been tipped and reorient growth, as well as how carpel epidermal cells redifferentiate during carpel fusion in Madagascar periwinkle. She has also been researching bacterial and fungal endophytes in plant tissues. From 2009-2014, she was a co-principal investigator on a nearly $400,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to study early endosperm development in maize.

Besides her more recent National Science Foundation grant, Dr. Clore and two other New College professors in the Natural Sciences received an NSF grant in 2005 to further their research into animal and plant development and gene expression. Through that grant, New College became one of only a small number of undergraduate institutions in the U.S. at the time to have a real-time PCR instrument to measure DNA and RNA levels in tissue samples taken from organisms.

Recent Courses

Cellular Biology
Cell Biology Lab
Plant Physiology
Plant Physiology Lab

Selected Publications

Joseph, R., Oberle, B., Thurmond, J. and Clore, A. (2020). Diverse fungal endophytes in the leaves of a widespread epiphytic bromeliad, Tillandsia recurvata (L.)L. Selbyana. 33 (2), 16-31.

Dashek, W and Clore, A.M. Vacuoles and Protein Bodies. (Dashek – vacuoles, Clore – protein bodies). In Plant Cells and their Organelles. Wiley and sons (2017). W. Dashek and G. Miglani (eds).

Leroux et al. (2014). Maize early endosperm growth and development: From fertilization through cell type differentiation. American Journal of Botany.

Clore, A. M. (2013). Cereal grass pulvini: Agronomically significant models for studying gravitropism signaling and tissue polarity. American Journal of Botany.

Clore, A. M., Doore, S. M., & Tinnirello, S. M. N. (2008). Increased levels of reactive oxygen species and expression of a cytoplasmic aconitase/iron regulatory protein 1 homolog during the early response of maize pulvini to gravistimulation. Plant, Cell & Environment, 31(1),144-158.

Clore, A. M., Turner, W. S., Morse, A. M., & Whetten, R. W. (2003). Changes in mitogen-activated protein kinase activity occur in the maize pulvinus in response to gravistimulation and are important for the bending response. Plant Cell and Environment, 26(7), 991-1001.

Kim, C. S., Woo, Y. M., Clore, A. M., Burnett, R. J., Carneiro, N. P., & Larkins, B. A. (2002). Zein protein interactions, rather than the asymmetric distribution of zein mRNAs on endoplasmic reticulum membranes, influence protein body formation in maize endosperm. Plant Cell, 14(3), 655-672.

Stankovic, B., Clore, A. M., Abe, S., Larkins, B., & Davies, E. (2000). Chapter 8: Actin in protein synthesis and protein body formation. In C.J. Staiger, F. Baluska, D.Volkmann, & P. W. Barlow, (Eds.), Actin: A Dynamic Framework for Multiple Cell Functions. Boston: Kluwer.

Clore, A.M. and Larkins, B.A. (1998). Protein quality and its potential relationship to the cytoskeleton in maize endosperm. J. Plant Physiol. 152: 630-635

Davies, E., Abe, S., Larkins, B., Clore, A.M., Quatrano, R.S., Weidner, S. (1998). The role of the cytoskeleton in plant protein synthesis. In: A Look Beyond Transcription; mechanisms determining mRNA stability and translation in plants, J. Bailey-Serres and D.R. Gallie, eds. (Rockville, ASPP).

Sun, Y., Carneiro, N., Clore, A., Moro, G., Habben, J., and Larkins, B.A. (1997). Characterization of maize eEF1A and its relationship to protein quality in the endosperm. Plant Physiol. 114: 1101-1107.

Coleman, C.E., Clore, A.M., Ranch, J.P., Higgins, R., Lopes, M.A., and Larkins, B.A. (1997). Expression of a mutant α-zein gene creates the floury2 phenotype in transgenic maize. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94: 7094-7097.

Clore, A.M., Dannenhoffer, J.M., and Larkins, B.A. (1996). EF-1α is associated with an elaborate cytoskeletal network surrounding protein bodies in maize endosperm cells. Plant Cell 8: 2003-2014 (cover).